Continuing my jewelry theme...I really love beads! I think making jewelry is a lot of fun! I found an article in a Beadwork magazine that gave directions on making a triangle component using the circular peyote stitch. I used Delica pink ice translucent beads as the primary color and Miyuki metallic teal rainbow for the accent color along with Swarovski rose crystals. As you can see, this turned out adorable and it inspired me to design a necklace. I can't make the focal component yet because it will be made of clay, but this is a sketch of the idea: I will use a twisted coil for the triangular frame and design loops on each corner. I will add tiny leaves, probably from the china-doll ficus, in sets of three. I will run a beaded loop through the focal piece's corner loops and connect the centerpiece to beaded triangles (one on each side). Then, I will add a beaded strap. I will also add a beaded tassel to the bottom loop on the focal piece. I'm thinking to create a loop and toggle-bar from beads.
I wrote all this down in a sketchbook for my reference. I am posting it here just to share. I wrote more details to myself like the exact pattern of the neckstrap and how to connect the individual components, but I find it kinda hard to explain it all in words. Hopefully, I will be able to create the centerpiece shortly after I get back home and then I can share exactly what it looks like. For now, I am still out of town. I am going to make as many of the components from here as I can, but I think I am only going to be able to make the triangle components ahead. I believe I need the focal piece to make the connecting loops and even the straps...No, I should be able to make the triangles, the loops they need to connect to the straps, the straps themselves, and even the toggle and bar. The only pieces that I have to wait on are the loops and connecting beads that will join the triangle components to the ceramic focal component and the tassel that will be suspended from the bottom loop. Ok, I'll get to work and keep posting my progress.
I think this will be adorable! I can't wait to get it finished and share it with everyone!
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